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Sex Glossary – Common Terms and Abbreviations for Sexual Acts

Common Sexual Acts and Services

If you’re looking for sex in Las Vegas, you need to know the sex lingo. Below is a table of the most common sex terms you’ll see advertised on brothel sex menus, escort listings, and erotic massage profiles.

Referencing this list will give you a better idea of the providers’ offerings and boundaries so you can get an encounter tailored to your needs.

Asian Massage ParlorAMPAsian Massage Parlor commonly denotes an establishment that offers erotic massage. Not all Asian Massage Parlors offer erotic massage, and not all erotic massage parlors are AMPs
BarebackBBSex without protection
Bareback Blow JobBBBJOral sex without a condom
Bareback Full ServiceBBFSProvider offers sexual intercourse without a condom
Blow JobBJOral sex on a male
Body GlideErotic massage technique using oil and body to body contact
Body to BodyB2BBody-to-body massage. A technique used in sensual massage and erotic massage
Bondage Domination Sadism MasochismBDSMPower dynamics are used during sex for heightened arousal. Think leather, whips, and chains.
Car DateThe session occurs in a car. For providers who don't have an incall location and clients who don't have accommodations. Most providers avoid these sessions as the clients typically have less money. Car dates also put the provider in a very vulnerable, high-risk, situation
Cum In MouthCIMEjaculating in a partner's mouth without a condom
Dining at the YDATYFemale provider that allows clients to perform oral sex on them
Deep French KissingDFKProvider allows client to put their tongue in their mouth while kissing
DominantProvider who is open to being the dominant person in a BDSM session
Fly Me To YouFMTYAn escort who offers high-end clients the option to fly her to their location.
Full Body Sensual MassageFBSMFull-body sensual massage. Common term for an erotic massage. May include a happy ending.
Full ServiceFSTypically used in massage listings to demonstrate that the provider is willing to engage in more than manual pleasuring. I.e. willing to have sex for more money
Fist in VaginaFIVSexual act on the "No List" for many escorts and sex workers
Girlfriend ExperienceGFEThis means the provider is willing to pretend to be your girlfriend during the session. Subtly implies a more intimate session including kissing and an openness to more sexual positions and acts. For some providers it means no condom, usually for an extra fee.
GreekA provider that offers anal sex
Half HourHHMany providers will list no HH, meaning half hours, they want longer duration visits with higher paying clients
Hand JobHJPartner sexually stimulates you using their hands
Happy EndingHEProvider provides manual stimulation to orgasm during an erotic massage
IncallThe provider has a location where you can visit for service
Law EnforcementLEOfficers and agents tasked with identifying and busting illegal erotic massage establishments and providers. You'll see them referred to as LE on most of the enthusiast boards
Mother I'd Like to FuckMILFUsed to denote an older provider who considers themselves sexually attractive. Interchangeable with "mature."
No ListNLA list of acts or circumstances that a provider will not offer or service. "Greek" is no many sex workers "No List," meaning they do not allow anal sex. Some girls will have "No AA," or "No Couples," meaning they don't cater to African American men or couples.
No African AmericansNo AAProvider does not cater to African Americans. This is a subtle way of saying they don't want men with large penises as their vagina is small. But also may be used to discriminate against black men
Nuru MassageErotic massage technique that involves a slippery oil made form Nori seaweed. The therapists uses their full body as the contact surface.
OutcallProvider travels to your place to provide service
Party and PlayPnPProvider integrates drugs into their sexual session. Subtle cue that the provider is 'wild' or a 'party girl.' Can also mean the provider is willing to provide illegal drugs for the session in exchange for a higher fee.
Quick VisitQVQuick visit. A brief sexual encounter that is usually less than 15 minutes in duration. Most providers avoid QVs as the clients are expecting to pay less and if they provide incall service, the amount of traffic draws unwanted attention.
Rim JobRJLicking of the anus
Sixty Nine69Both partners simultaneously provide oral sex.
SubmissiveProvider willing to be submissive in BDSM encounter
SwitchA person willing to be Dominant or Submissive during a BDSM session
Table ShowerA table where massage girls will wash your body for you. Often used to imply the establishment provides sexual services, but not always.
Tantra MassageMassage technique with roots in Eastern spiritual and healing techniques. In Las Vegas, generally denotes an erotic massage

Yoni Massage

Sensual massage technique focusing on the vagina. Incorporates stimulation of vulva, clitorus, and light penetrative techniques. Based in Tantric Massage principles, Yoni massage is the most common form of erotic massage for female clients.

What You Need to Know About Sex Jargon in Las Vegas

You need to know that prostitution is illegal in Las Vegas. While there are thousands of escorts, call girls, strippers, and erotic massage operators in town, that doesn’t mean “anything goes.”

If you want to pay for sex legally, you need to go to a legal brothel. The closest ones are in Pahrump, about an hour away from Las Vegas.

If you do decide to stay in town, just know that if you call or message providers and think you’re being discreet by using these abbreviations to solicit sexual services, you’re not fooling anyone.

Just because you’ve mastered the sex jargon and abbreviations, don’t contact providers asking for rates for specific acts. The sex acronyms are well-known by LE, so don’t try to get cute.

Most providers will simply ghost you. Keep your conversation professional over the phone and in messages. If you want to talk dirty when she arrives, that’s ok.

Ads Offering Sketchy Services

If you’re perusing the classified and directory sites, you’re going to see a lot of these sex abbreviations. You’ll see profiles offering all the unprotected services like BBBJ, CIM, DATY, etc.

You’ll find these most often in ads showcasing a very young-looking Asian girl with improbably large breasts. The spelling will be bad. The writing will be off. Don’t bother contacting these profiles. Just move along to a more professional listing.

Even if these listings do offer these services, just keep in mind they’re offering unprotected sessions with anyone with enough cash. Gross.

Your best bet is to go to a legal brothel. The girls are tested weekly, protection is required, and best of all you don’t have to worry about getting busted.