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Las Vegas Sensual Massage – Comprehensive Guide (2023)


Sensual massage is the art of providing a more arousing massage session than traditional methods. Such sessions can increase blood flow, and libido, and provide a feeling of relaxation and release. Many visitors to Las Vegas search out full body sensual massage (FBSM) providers during their trip as a treat to themselves.

Looking for a sensual massage in Las Vegas can feel like being a kid in a candy store. You have so many options. There are thousands of massage girls that will come to your room. There’s a bustling Asian massage parlor scene in town as well. There are dozens of directories and classified sites with profiles of attractive women offering a sexy massage experience. You’ll even see hawkers on the strip handing out cards offering everything from massage girls to escorts.

The question is, “How do I get a quality sensual massage safely and at a fair price?”

In this ultimate guide, we’ll show you the main options and weigh the pros and cons of each. We’ll also give you a shortcut to getting what you want with our recommended providers.

Parlor vs In-Room Massage

Kira is a busty Asian erotic massage provider in Las Vegas, showing off her body in a naughty school girl costume

Should You Go to a Massage Parlor, or book a provider to come to your hotel room?

You should definitely call a sensual massage provider to come to your room if you:

  • Want more control
  • Know what type of provider you want
  • Like to be discreet
  • Want a more intimate experience
  • Are staying in a nice room at a decent resort or hotel
  • Want to avoid the distraction of other guests

The only time we’d recommend going to a parlor would be if you:

  • Don’t have a room in town or…
  • Are staying in a bad motel or a shady part of town (most girls have certain areas they won’t visit)
  • Don’t have the budget for an elite massage girl
  • Want to choose from a lineup of multiple girls
  • Not worried about the constant raids by enforcement on these establishments

    For these reasons, most of this article focuses on in-room sensual massage opportunities.

    If you want more information on massage parlors, read this article:

    Las Vegas Erotic Massage Parlors – Comprehensive Guide (2023)

    Advantages of In Room Sensual Massage

    Massage providers can do a lot more in your hotel room including getting fully nude. It’s just a more intimate setting, and as a result, a more intimate experience. Maybe you want a Nuru massage, where the girl glides her entire body on your body. You can get all that in the privacy of your luxury suite. Even better, there aren’t house rules or owners dictating what is allowed. If the girl is into you and wants you to grab her, or more, that’s totally fine. Just be respectful and a gentleman and you’ll be surprised how open the girls are to your companionship.

    Important Information

    It is 100% LEGAL for sensual massage providers to visit your hotel room to provide services. What happens between two adults in private is their own business.

    However, prostitution is ILLEGAL in Las Vegas, a common misunderstanding. The legal brothels are all located in smaller counties like Nye.  The nearest ones to Las Vegas are over an hour’s drive away.

    You need to understand this because when you call the girl to make a booking, you cannot ask for sexual acts.

    If you do call and start talking dirty, asking the wrong questions, you are soliciting, which is against the law. Experienced massage girls and agencies will kindly correct you and if you don’t take the hint, they will hang up on you. You may be blocked from calling or texting back.

    But now you know what to do, all you have to do is be a gentleman. Inquire about the availability of your favorite girl, get their donation rate, and book the session. then when the girl arrives, get into the details of what you’re both comfortable with and agree on the session details.

    Sensual Massage Types

    There are three categories of sensual massage that most providers offer. The first is Full Body Sensual Massage (FBSM), which is the classic type. You’ll see profiles listing FBSM. You may also see bikini massage or lingerie massage. These are all the base packages and are usually the cheapest.

    The next step up is Tantra, which is an ancient technique that stimulates all the senses resulting in total bliss.

    The third, and usually the most expensive sensual massage is called Nuru Massage, or Body Glide massage. Here you will be rubbed down with slippery oil. Then the massage girl will oil down her body. She’ll use her body to apply pressure to give you a massage.

    If you’re a first-timer, the full-body sensual massage is a great place to start. As your budget and tastes allow you can upgrade to Tantra or Nuru.

    How to Find Good Massage Girls

    Getting Started

    There are a ton of different places to find sensual massage girls in Las Vegas. The problem is finding quality girls. There are classified and directory sites, and agency sites, all full of profiles designed to entice you to call.

    First, you need to learn how to spot bogus listings.

    Verified Profiles

    Many sites showcase “verified” profiles. Which means one of two things (or both). One, the profile creator has to submit a photo of the girl holding a sign with today’s date, or some secret code, so they can confirm the photo is recent. Or they may require a short video to be submitted that matches the profile photos. The problem? This photo is pretty easy to fake using photo editing tools like Photoshop. The video can easily be faked using AI deepfake technology as well.

    The other option to get “verified” is to pay a fee. The site owner makes a few extra bucks on the listing, the profile owner gets more calls, and you, the customer have no idea who is going to show up.

    Finally, most of the sites don’t list when the profile was verified. So that hot girl in her early twenties may have put on some weight, had bad cosmetic surgery, or simply is much older. Regardless, she’s going to look a lot different when she shows up than what you booked.

    The point is, don’t put too much stock into verified profiles, they’re just as likely to be a bad experience.

    Identifying Real Profiles

    Figuring out which profiles are legit is an art that takes a lot of trial and error coupled with experience. Here’s a list of the key identifiers and red flags:


    1. Are there common acronyms for sexual acts in the Ad like “BBJ, CIM, Greek, etc.?” No real massage girl is putting themselves at risk by advertising illegal acts. They’re certainly not offering unprotected services either. Skip these profiles, they’re a waste of your time.
    2. Is the girl in the photos too attractive? If she looks like she could start a modeling career or become a millionaire Instagram influencer, odds are it’s a fake.
    3. Does it look like a professional photo shoot? Most of the real profiles will be just a cute girl taking a couple of selfies or a few pics with her phone. If it looks like a big photo shoot, odds are the images were ripped from somewhere else and the profile is bogus.
    4. Look for signs that the photo is old. Like old-model phones used for a selfie. Old hairstyles or clothing are a good giveaway. Interior decorating styles change over time as well. If the photos are very old, she may actually be the girl who shows up but is now much older and has a very different look.
    5. Look for photos showing her in Las Vegas. If you see a bunch of grass or green trees in the background, the photos weren’t taken in Las Vegas, all we have here are Palm trees, dirt, and rocks.
    6. Look for profiles with multiple photos taken in different locations while wearing different outfits. You want variety. This is tough because if they’re ripping their images from social media it’s pretty easy to fake, but a lot of the people creating profiles are pretty lazy and will only have a couple of pics in the same place, same outfit, just different poses.
    7. Are they asking for a deposit? Red flag.
    8. Do they want too much personal information? Stay away.
    9. Does anything else feel off? Trust your instincts, if it seems weird, move on.

    Get a Second Opinion

    Google Lens is a great tool to look for images online. It will quickly identify celebrities or semi-famous influencers who are definitely not giving sexy rub-downs in Vegas.

    Work Smarter, Not Harder

    Sounds like a lot of work fraught with pitfalls, right? We want you to have a good experience during your trip which is why we share our recommended girls with you. You can make one call and know that the girl who shows up is going to be hot and provide a good experience.

    Shayla offers upscale massage in Las Vegas

    Popular Sensual Massage Sites

    • Foxxy Massage – Our favorite, the girls are hot and know their craft
    • Luv Luv Massage – They don’t list most of their girls but they have many hidden gems
    • Rubmaps This used to be good for finding parlors, but it’s been overrun with operators providing fake reviews so it’s takes a lot of work to find good info
    • Eros – Some good girls on here but you have to be very selective and even then it’s a crap shoot if you’re going to have a good experience
    • Bedpage – The go-to after Craigslist stopped showing personals but it’s not the best anymore

    Booking Your Session

    Hopefully, by now you’ve found the perfect girl for your sensual body rub session. What’s the next step? Most girls will list how they want you to reach out to them. If they say CALL, don’t try to start off by texting them or sliding into their DMs. You’ll just piss them off and set the wrong tone.

    If there is no preferred contact method, we recommend that you CALL. The reason is that the best providers will answer and reserve your session immediately. If you submit a contact form or text them, they may not get back to you for hours or days.

    Remember that these girls have to deal with all kinds of people from scammers to pranksters. When you call they can hear your voice, see that you’re a real person, and determine that you’re a real client. Otherwise, it’s very hard for them to tell if they’re dealing with a time waster or not.

    Use your real number or the hotel phone in your room. Most providers won’t answer anonymous calls. They are also not fans of virtual numbers, and yes they know when you’re using a burner. This is for safety reasons and to avoid wasting time traveling all over the city for fake bookings.

    If you decide to use the hotel phone, they need to know your room number AND the FULL NAME of the room reservation. Without this information, they won’t be able to call you (the front desk won’t patch their call through without it). They also need to know where to go when they arrive. If you’re uncomfortable giving this information out, some girls will meet you in the lobby but they will have to feel very confident that you’re a real customer before agreeing to this. And not all girls will do it. So if they decline, it’s just easier to give them the info.

    Sensual Massage Prices

    The prices for sensual massage in Las Vegas are very consistent. You’ll see $200 to $300 for an hour, with some of the elite girls charging up to $1,000. But usually, the pricing is what you pay, unlike other services where you’re going to be quoted one price and then upsold to the $600-$1,000 range.

    The only exception to this rule is the legal brothels. They’re going to be at least $200 or more per hour compared to in-room massage because the house has to take their cut.

    Some guys will try to haggle the price down but it usually backfires. These girls work very hard to filter out cheap clients. There’s so much demand in Las Vegas they can just wait a bit for the phone to ring again and get a man who has no problem paying the quoted price plus give them a generous tip on top for great service.


    If you’ve browsed around the popular directories you’ll notice a trend that they all charge similar pricing. Usually, $150 to $250 is listed for an hour. You’ll see this price action regardless if the girl is independent or works for an agency.

    Supply & Demand

    Another thing to consider is that these girls have so many options to make money. They can be bottle service girls and make several grand a night in tips. They can be atmosphere models and stand around looking hot for $100 per hour. They can work as a cocktail waitress at a strip club and make several hundred a night in tips, or if they want to strip, make a few grand every night.

    There are high rollers everywhere in Las Vegas, and pretty girls have so many options to make a lot of money for a lot less hassle.

    Just keep that in mind. If you’re seeing really low prices for a beautiful girl, that should give pause. We don’t want you to get scammed or put in a precarious situation. So trust your gut.

    Preparing for Her Arrival

    Ok, you’ve booked your favorite girl, now you need to get ready for her to knock on the door.

    1. Step one, make sure she can reach you. So you want to turn on your ringer and notifications so that if something comes up she can communicate her status. If you fail to respond, she may think you’re wasting her time and move to the next appointment.
    2. Do a quick cleanup of your accommodations. If she walks in and sees your dirty drawers on the floor and you’ve left a present in the toilet, you’ll start off on the wrong foot. You want to demonstrate that you are a gentleman of exquisite taste, worthy of her time, and a potentially great client.
    3. Freshen up with a shower. You want to be nice and clean for your body rub, so use soap.
    4. Clean your teeth and use mouthwash so your breath is fresh
    5. You can put on a light amount of cologne or body spray but don’t overdo it. You don’t want the entire room smelling like a Drakkar Noir factory. She should only be able to smell it when she’s close.
    6. Select some relaxing music to set a chill vibe.
    7. Feel free to mix a drink, but don’t overdo it. You want your senses heightened not dulled. Otherwise, you may not get the full benefit of a sensual massage.
    8. Kick back and chill. You’re going to have a great time!

    Avoiding Scams

    Paying Before Meeting

    No matter how much you want the hot girl in the picture to be real, to actually show up and give you a sexy rub down, if you pay her before she shows up, your odds have just plummeted. Usually, the grift goes like this:

    “I’m like super hot, and in demand, so I demand clients put up a deposit before I’ll even consider booking a session.”

    And sadly this works. A lot. They’ll ask for a credit card, or for a payment through PayPal or Venmo. Some girls will even require you send them crypto. None of the options are good. They usually just take your money and ghost you.

    They’re assuming you’re not going to call your credit card company and explain that a pretty girl said she was totally going to come to your hotel room for a rub down, but then took your money and never showed up. And if you sent cryptocurrency, you’re never getting that back.

    So if a girl demands a deposit, politely decline, hang up, and move on to the next one.

    Hitting the Local 24hr Spa

    The sensual massage parlor scene in Las Vegas is large, but full of traps. A lot of these establishments become the focus of raids, landing the operator in hot water with the local officials. They’ll then move to a new location, under a new name, and rebuild their business until they get busted again.

    The girl quality is low, and they work scams similar to clip joints. They basically hustle you for more money and when you are disappointed and angry, a couple of large dude escorts you out of the building.

    Here’s how it works:

    • A semi-attractive girl will offer a massage for around $100.
    • You don’t want to hurt her feelings and have been traveling all day so you say, “OK.”
    • It will be very obvious this girl has no idea how to give a massage. The strokes will be ‘massage adjacent’ like kind of right but not really.
    • You’re laying face down naked on the massage table or bed, wondering what have you gotten yourself into
    • She’ll then offer to go to the “Super VIP Area” where she can “do more.”
    • If you decline, you get the boot
    • If you accept, you go to a new area, but the only “more” you get is more bad massage techniques.

    At this point, you’ve spent a few hundred dollars and are not happy with the service. That’s when you get intimidated to leave the building.

    How do these places stay in business? Well, they pay out large bounties to taxis, rideshare, and limo drivers. This leads us to the next point…

    Getting Advice from Drivers and Doormen

    The worst operators, whether they are spa operators or fake profile promoters, offer drivers and doormen bounties to send clients to their scam. The drivers and doormen don’t care if you have a good time or not, they’re never going to see you again. So they just send tourists to whoever pays the most.

    Are all drivers and doormen trying to rip you off? No, but it’s really hard for them to turn down money from these establishments so the lines get blurred pretty quick.

    Booking a Massage from Classified and Directory Sites

    As we mentioned these sites are flooded with fake profiles, some of which are trying to scam you. Trying to figure out which is real and which is fake is really hard, especially with the AI image and video generation tools available today.

    Also, these girls have zero accountability. They don’t have a website where you can leave a negative review on platforms like Yelp or Google. You can’t call the Better Business Bureau. They just take your money and are gone.

    In the end, your success rate will average 5-10%, with one of the following negative outcomes the rest of the time:

      • no response
      • actively trying to scam for a deposit then block your number
      • girl shows up but doesn’t match the profile
      • girl shows up with massive upsells
      • girl cancels last minute

    If you value your time, it’s easier to just book our recommended sensual massage girls.

    Additional Tips for Hiring In-Room FBSM Girls in Las Vegas

    Finding sensual massage girls in Las Vegas can be a headache, so if you’re here on vacation, these quick tips will make it easier.

    1. Hire from a reputable massage provider. The classified and directory sites are full of fakes and time wasters. It takes a lot of time to find real girls and get a booking.
    2. Don’t pay upfront. Only pay in person once you approve.
    3. If you don’t like who shows up at your door, politely decline. If you booked from an agency, call them back and let them know. They will send their best girl.
    4. Many people misunderstand prostitution laws in Las Vegas. Prostitution is legal in Nevada at licensed establishments. No licensed establishments exist in Las Vegas. The nearest legal brothels to Las Vegas are about an hour’s drive away.
    5. Consensual intimacy between two adults is legal as long as money is not used to influence consent. If you hire a hot girl to come to your room for a private massage, do not try to exchange money for sex. That is prostitution. Tip generously for her services, act like a gentleman, and let the luck of Vegas guide your way. Be smart. Don’t break the law. We don’t want you to go to jail. We don’t endorse prostitution. So stay safe.

    Incall vs Outcall Sensual Massage

    Outcall sensual massage refers to when the girl travels to your hotel room or vacation rental to perform the session.

    Incall sensual massage indicates that you travel to the provider’s location, either a spa or private condo for service.

    We recommend outcall for a few reasons. The top massage girls in Las Vegas are outcall only. You’ll have a much larger selection to choose from and if you want the best, outcall is the way to go.

    Outcall is generally more affordable. Incall providers have to pay for rent so you generally get a better deal when they come to your hotel room. You’ll always get more bang for your buck sticking with outcall.

    Some “Incall” providers will simply quote you a higher rate, use the money to book a hotel, and perform services there. So if you’re going to pay for a hotel room, might as well be your own and invite an outcall massage girl to visit.

    Final Thoughts

    To recap:

    • Skip the erotic massage parlors. They’re constantly busted, and most of them are running scams.
    • Skip the “incall,” and you’re going to end up paying for a room either way.
    • Skip the classifieds and directories. It’s a huge time sink and a very low success rate.
    • Don’t pay a deposit or booking fee upfront. See the girl first in person, then make your decision.
    • Do contact recommended providers for a hassle-free experience you’ll book every time you’re in Las Vegas.

    You want to have a relaxing and relieving massage session. So you now know where to find the best sensual massage girls and how to spot fakes and scammers. Time to put your skills to work and get your dream girl on the way to your room. Just don’t be afraid to decline anyone who shows up. Don’t settle, it’s your money and you deserve to have a great time.

    If you read this far and follow our advice, you’re in for a treat. Get freshened up, tidy your room, and fix a drink, you’re going to have a great experience.