Surviving Vegas: Top 5 Tips

Las Vegas, being a world-famous tourist mecca, attracts millions of visitors each year. Many of these travelers hold preconceived notions of Sin City which primarily stem from movies, rap videos, and other pop culture channels. Armed with this “knowledge” there are two common outcomes. The most common is blowing through a bankroll halfway through the trip. The second is bodily harm.

We’re going to help you avoid these pitfalls and maximize your enjoyment of this wonderland. This city lives and dies by tourism, so it’s the least we can do!

1. Rest

It’s easy to get caught up in the moment. You’re having a blast, the music is pumping, and the sun never goes down (inside the casinos at least).  You’ve got a few drinks in you, perhaps talking to an attractive girl or guy. Next thing you know, it’s 9 am. Time for breakfast right? Sure grab a quick bite but hit the hay ASAP.  Employing the “Party til you drop!” strategy often means spending the back end of your trip in bed, or completely miserable from exhaustion.

2. Hydrate

Vegas has a very dry climate. Coupled with the heat, water is constantly being sucked out of your body in the form of perspiration. Throw in a little booze, and you’ve compounded the problem even further. Think of it this way; the human body is roughly 65% water. Essentially we are a big sack of water walking around with millions of tiny leaks in the form of sweat glands. We spring a big leak several times a day in the form of urine. Not to mention all the moisture that escapes from our lungs as we take in the dry air. How long do you think it would take to deplete this water balloon to the point that it becomes a saggy flaccid bag of misery? That’s right! Not long at all. Bottoms up campers.

3. Footgear

Yes, your Corona Light flip-flops look great at the beach. And those extra-long dress shoes with the square toes look super in the club. But if you plan to explore the Las Vegas strip, you’re looking at putting in some serious miles. Take a guess how long the Ceasars Palace property is from end to end on the strip. It’s over 1/3 of a mile. If you dip in and out of the casinos, each property can easily rack up over a half-mile in distance. If you think back on the last time you hiked over 5 miles and how your feet and legs felt, you have a pretty good idea what a common trip to the strip will feel like. For the ladies, definitely invest in a pair of lightweight flip flops or slippers you can slip into your purse. Walking for any amount of time in high heels is a recipe for great pain.

4. SPF

If you plan to hit a pool party, or even just lay around at your hotel’s pool, definitely don’t skimp on the sunscreen. If you don’t get a lot of sunlight at home or are fair-skinned, just a couple of hours unprotected in the desert sun can result in a sunburn that will ruin your entire trip. It’s easier to add to your tan than reduce your sunburn, so go with high SPF and work your way down.

5. Moderation

Whether it’s booze, gambling, or 3-ways, remember:

Moderation is key

You don’t want to blow your load in the first 36 hours and spend the rest of your trip wiped out in your hotel room right? If you hear that little voice in your head telling you you’re pushing your luck, listen to it. Unless you’re on a heater, or in the midst of a 3 way with members of the Swedish Bikini Team, then, by all means, carry on!

Looking for more travel advice? Check out our in-depth article:

Top Ten Vegas Travel Tips

Tell us your crazy Vegas story. What mistake(s) did you make and was your trip affected?