Sadly, there are plenty of tourist traps in Las Vegas, and the massage parlors advertising hot girls is one of the most prevalent.
The way it works is these establishments offer limo and taxi drivers huge bounties for dropping off unsuspecting tourists looking for some relaxation.
Typically they’ll ask for $60 to $100 as a base fee. The girls will be marginally attractive, but since you’ve spent all the effort to get there, most people just pay the money. Many people don’t want to hurt the girl’s feelings either.
She’ll perform some massage-like strokes, but it will be very obvious to anyone that has ever had a quality massage that she has no idea what’s she’s doing. She’s hoping you find her somewhat attractive, and her next move will be to try to convince you to upgrade to a multi-hundred dollar VIP package where she can “do more.” Unsuspecting horny guys fall for it all the time.
These operators give the industry a bad name, but unfortunately, even if you leave a bad review, they just go out of business and re-open under a new name. They can rely on the drivers to keep their business thriving even if their online reputation is bad or non-existent.